Did you know? Bald Eagles, our national symbol, can fly 30 mph and can reach speeds of over 100 mph when diving. They have exceptional vision, over 4 times sharper than people, and they can see forwards and sideways at the same time.
Our national symbol, the bald eagle displays many outstanding characteristics – exceptional vision, a striking appearance, and a commanding presence. Sadly, by the latter half of the 20th century, the bald eagle was classified as an endangered species. Through the diligent efforts of wildlife biologists and a concerned public, the bald eagle population is coming back and is no longer on the federal endangered species list. Its federal and state status is now delisted but it is still in a federal monitoring stage for five years.
The adult bald eagle is one of the most easily recognized species of wildlife. It has snow white feathers covering its head down to the neck area. The tail feathers of the mature bald eagle are also white. The body color is very dark brown, almost black. Yellow eyes, beak, and feet accent the bird’s appearance. The white of the head and tail distinguish the fully mature eagle from immature birds of the species. Young eagles do not have this appearance until they reach the age of five or six years. Until that time, they are decidedly duller in appearance and, to the inexperienced observer, probably would not be recognized as a bald eagle. Immature eagles are almost uniformly dark brown from head to tail feather. Their undersides are mottled white with buff and cream blotches.
The bald eagle can be found in small concentrations throughout the U.S., particularly near sizable bodies of water, natural and man-made. In Ohio, the bald eagle’s stronghold is the marsh region of western Lake Erie. For the bald eagle, the ideal site is one where water with ample food (fish) is located within two miles of the nest. The eagle shows a preference for a somewhat secluded home site. This is particularly critical when the nest is being established and young raised. Eagles are highly territorial and too much interference from other eagles can result in problems at the nest site.
Information on this page was gathered from the below website.
For more information on the Bald Eagle and other important Ohio wildlife visit http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index